Doctors’ Hospital Sseguku is a multi-specialist hospital located 10km along Kampala – Entebbe highway. The hospital provides comprehensive medical services like Internal medicine, paediatrics, dental services, laparoscopy, ENT, maternity, orthopaedic Services among others.
During our time of existence as a health unit, we have grown tremendously in terms of the services provided and the population we serve. We provide both out-patient and in-patient services.
We are well–equipped for the services rendered and our human resource currently entails specialists, general practitioners, dental surgeons, midwives, nurses, laboratory technicians and other support staff. The Clinic operates 24 hours every day of the week, all-year-round.
well-equipped ambulances available 24 hours a day for easy referral of patients and emergency evacuation of patients
To promote good health by providing high quality and compassionate health care to our clients.
To become the best health care facility earning a national and international profile in professional patient care.
Core Values
We put the needs of our patients at the centre of what we do.
At Doctors’ Hospital Sseguku, we maintain a high level of professional standards.
We are committed to render superior services to all our clients.
At Doctors Hospital, we treat our clients with kindness and empathy